Geography at KS4


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If you require any further information about the curriculum we are following in this subject, please contact the Head of Department.

Course ID
AQA 8035
Key Stage 4 (GCSE)
Head of Faculty
E. Richman
Head of Department
F. Williams

Students follow a bespoke curriculum which closely aligns with the National Curriculum.

Throughout KS3 we aim to provide students with foundational geographical knowledge and skills to enable successful progression into KS4. Students study a range of physical and human topics and develop essential geographical enquiry and skills.

Curriculum Termly Breakdown by Year

Year 10

Term Unit of Work Assessment
Autumn 1 Physical unit 1: Natural hazards. Natural Hazards mid topic assessment.
Autumn 2 Physical unit 1: Natural hazards.
Human unit 1: Urban issues and challenges.
Natural hazards end of unit GCSE assessment.
Spring 1 Human unit 1: Urban issues and challenges.
Physical unit 2: Physical landscapes in the UK (rivers).
Urban issues and challenges end of unit GCSE assessment.
Spring 2 Physical unit 2: Physical landscapes in the UK (rivers & coasts). Rivers mid topic assessment.
Summer 1 Physical unit 2: Physical landscapes in the UK (coasts)
Paper 3: Fieldwork human and physical theory
Fieldwork trips (Human: St Albans, Physical: Epping Forest)
Physical landscapes in the UK (Rivers & Coasts) end of topic GCSE assessment.
Summer 2 Paper 3: Fieldwork theory. Fieldwork assessment.


Year 11

Term Unit of Work Assessment
Autumn 1 Changing economic world. Knowledge test on changing economic world.
Autumn 2 Changing economic world. End of unit assessment.
Spring 1 The living world. End of unit assessment.
Spring 2 Resource management. End of unit assessment.
Summer 1 Revision and pre-release material for Paper 3 (Geographical skills). Decision making exercise practice assessment.
Summer 2 GCSE Examination GCSE Examination.


Extended Learning

Year 10

Websites Read Visit or Watch Extra
AQA GCSE Geography Specification; Seneca Learning; BBC News; BBC Bitesize Geography. Course textbook: (ISBN: 978- 0198366614)(free digitally on Kerboodle); the news with recent geographical articles; CGP AQA GCSE Geography complete revision guide (content and exam questions, available from EBS shop for a discount) (ISBN: 978-1782946137); CGP GCSE Geography revision flashcards (available on Amazon). YouTube revision; St Albans; Epping Forest Geography Documentary Club


Year 11

Websites Read Visit or Watch Extra
AQA GCSE Geography Specification; Seneca Learning; BBC News; BBC Bitesize Geography. Course textbook: (ISBN: 978- 0198366614)(free digitally on Kerboodle); the news with recent geographical articles; CGP AQA GCSE Geography complete revision guide (content and exam questions, available from EBS shop for a discount) (ISBN: 978-1782946137); CGP GCSE Geography revision flashcards (available on Amazon). YouTube revision; St Albans; Epping Forest; The Olympic Park. Geography Documentary Club