Health & Social Care at KS4

health chart

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If you require any further information about the curriculum we are following in this subject, please contact the Head of Department.

Course ID
Edexcel YNR65
Social Sciences
Health & Social Care
Key Stage 4 (GCSE)
Head of Faculty
J. David
Head of Department
S. Direk

Health care roles include doctors, pharmacists, nurses, midwives and healthcare assistants, while social care roles include care assistants, occupational therapists, counsellors and administrators.

Together, they account for nearly one in ten of all paid jobs in the UK. Demand for both health and social care is likely to rise, so they will continue to play a key role in UK society and the demand for people to carry out these vital roles will increase. Study of this course at KS4 will complement GCSE study through providing an opportunity for practical application by demonstrating the important skills required in Health and Social Care learnt in the classroom in practical workplace settings. This subject is offered at Level 2 with a fall back to level 1 and is recognised as part of the performance measures of Progress 8. Students develop key skills that prove aptitude in health and social care such as interpreting data to assess an individual’s health.

Curriculum Termly Breakdown by Year

Year 10

Term Unit of Work Assessment
Autumn 1 Human Lifespan and Development / Understand human growth and development across life stages and the factors that affect it. Internal / coursework 1.
Autumn 2 Human Lifespan and Development / Understand human growth and development across life stages and the factors that affect it. Internal / coursework 1.
Spring 1 Human Lifespan and Development / Investigate how individuals deal with life events. Internal / Coursework 2.
Spring 2 Human Lifespan and Development / Investigate how individuals deal with life events. Internal / Coursework 2.
Summer 1 Health and Social care Services and Values / Understand the different types of health and Social care services and barriers to accessing them. Internal / Coursework 3.
Summer 2 Health and Social care Services and Values/ Demonstrate the care values and review own practice. Internal / Coursework 4.


Year 11

Term Unit of Work Assessment
Autumn 1 Health and Wellbeing learning Aim – A Definition of Health and Wellbeing. Health and Wellbeing learning Aim A, B and C.
Autumn 2 Health and Wellbeing Learning B – Health Indicators. Health and Wellbeing learning Aim A, B and C.
Spring 1 Health and Wellbeing Learning C – The importance of person-centred approach. Health and Wellbeing learning Aim A, B and C.
Spring 2 Health and Wellbeing learning Aim A, B and C. Health and Wellbeing learning Aim A, B and C.
Summer 1 Health and Wellbeing. Health and Wellbeing learning Aim A, B and C.
Summer 2 GCSE Examination. GCSE Examination.


Extended Learning

Year 10

Websites Read Visit or Watch Extra
Care for the Family – Bereavement; Mind. BTEC Health and Social Care Student Book / Pearson Revision Guide Journals Community Care. Nursing Times Boyd D., Bee H., Lifespan Development, ISBN: 9781292065625 Documentaries related to health and wellbeing e.g. BBC Panorama. Visits out to care homes / schools; guest speakers in from a range of health and social service areas.


Year 11

Websites Read Visit or Watch Extra
NHS Student text book; revision guides. Health related TV documentaries.