Design & Technology: Product Design at KS4


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Course ID
OCR J310
Design & Technology
Design & Technology
Key Stage 4 (GCSE)
Head of Faculty
C. Roncarati
Head of Department
T. Stokes

This exciting course allows students to continue building upon and developing the knowledge learnt at KS3 in Design & Technology, as well as giving them the opportunity to focus in greater depth on at least one material area.

The course aims to allow students the opportunity to be creative and innovative whilst having an increased awareness and understanding of real-life experiences in design, development and manufacturing industries. It also helps them to understand the planning and organisation of time and resources when managing a project. Students will learn about important issues that affect design in the wider world such as sustainability, global issues and user-centred design. In addition to which, they will reinforce their basic knowledge of a range of materials and components, including papers and boards, timber, metals, polymers (plastics) and textile fibres and fabrics, and also smart materials that respond to change in light, temperature or pressure, all of which can be used to create products.

Curriculum Termly Breakdown by Year

Year 10

Term Unit of Work Assessment
Autumn 1 Polymers theory covered using an information booklet. Ball bearing game project developing skills when working with polymers. Polymers questions.
Autumn 2 Complete polymers work. Timber theory covered using an information booklet. Selection of timber joints made, focussing on their uses. High quality storage box made developing timber making skills. Polymer theory tests.
Spring 1 Timber theory covered using an information booklet. High quality storage box made developing timber making skills. Timber questions.
Timber theory tests.
Spring 2 Timber theory covered using an information booklet. High quality storage box made developing timber making skills. Core knowledge theory covered using an information booklet. Core knowledge questions.
Summer 1 Core knowledge theory covered using an information booklet. CAD skills developed using Autodesk Fusion 360. Drawing skills developed using a task booklet. Core knowledge tests.
Summer 2 NEA started. Coursework/NEA produced on PowerPoint and worked on continuously starting with identification of a problem and leading to research. Year 10 exam.


Year 11

Term Unit of Work Assessment
Autumn 1 NEA continued. Work includes further research, key requirements of product and design ideas started. NEA.
Autumn 2 NEA continued. Work includes evaluation of ideas, development of chosen idea/s, final design. Research ongoing where necessary. NEA.
GCSE mock exam.
Spring 1 NEA continued. Complete final design including CAD. Start making in the workshop. NEA.
Spring 2 NEA continued. Complete making in the workshop. Product tested and evaluated. NEA.
Summer 1 Exam preparation including review of theory booklets and sample questions carried out. Exam questions.
Summer 2 GCSE Examination. GCSE Examination.


Extended Learning

Year 10

Websites Read Visit or Watch Extra
Technology Student; How It’s Made YouTube channel. Optional – OCR GCSE (9-1) Design and Technology Textbook. My Revision Notes: OCR GCSE (9-1) Design and Technology ISBN: 9781510432284 Science Museum; Design Museum; any technological events e.g. The Big Bang. Lunchtime and after school clubs that support classwork. Robotics Club; F1 for Schools; CAD support at lunchtimes and after school.


Year 11

Websites Read Visit or Watch Extra
Technology Student; How It’s Made YouTube channel. Optional – OCR GCSE (9-1) Design and Technology Textbook. My Revision Notes: OCR GCSE (9-1) Design and Technology ISBN: 9781510432284 Science Museum; Design Museum; any technological events e.g. The Big Bang. Lunchtime and after school clubs that support classwork. Robotics Club; F1 for Schools; CAD support at lunchtimes and after school.