Religious Education at KS4


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Course ID
AQA 8062
Religious Education
Key Stage 4 (GCSE)
Head of Faculty
E. Richman
Head of Department
B. Pasterny

Students consider different beliefs and attitudes to religious and non-religious issues in contemporary British society.

They are taught to be aware that the religious traditions of Great Britain are, in the main, Christian, and that religious traditions in Great Britain are diverse. GCSE Religious Studies at EBS aims:

  1. To help students think critically and sympathetically about the place of religion in the world around them.
  2. To explore all aspects of religious belief and practice in Christianity and Islam.
  3. To help students explore questions about the meaning of life, e.g., Why am I here? What is really important?
  4. To encourage students to reflect on the religious responses to vital moral questions like marriage, euthanasia, prejudice and discrimination.
  5. To help students appreciate the contribution religion makes to modern life in a variety of ways, e.g., through films, books, the law and so on.

Curriculum Termly Breakdown by Year

Year 10

Term Unit of Work Assessment
Autumn 1 Christian Beliefs and Relationship and Families (Theme A). Mini assessments; key words and specific exam questions.
Autumn 2 Christian Beliefs and Relationship and Families (Theme A). Written exam 1 hour: End of topic exam.
Spring 1 Christian Practices and Relationship and Families (Theme A). Mini assessments; key words and specific exam questions.
Spring 2 Christian Practices and Religion and Life (Theme B). Written exam 1 hour – end of topic exam.
Summer 1 Islam Beliefs and Religion and Life (Theme B). Mini assessments; key words and specific exam questions.
Summer 2 Islam Beliefs and recall of all units studied so far and exam technique. End of Year 10 examination.


Year 11

Term Unit of Work Assessment
Autumn 1 Islam Practices and The Existence of God and Revelation (Theme C) or Religion, Crime and Punishment (Theme E). Mini assessments; key words and specific exam questions.
Autumn 2 Islam Practises and The Existence of God and Revelation (Theme C) or Religion, Crime and Punishment (Theme E). Mock examination.
Spring 1 Mock Analysis and Religion, Peace and Conflict (Theme D). Written exam 1 hour.
Spring 2 Revision and Exam Technique and Religion, Peace and Conflict (Theme D). Key word assessments and on going bespoke individual exam Q&A.
Summer 1 Revision.  
Summer 2 GCSE Examination. GCSE Examination.


Extended Learning

Year 10

Websites Read Visit or Watch Extra
RE Online; Seneca Learning; BBC Religion Programmes; AQA Past Papers (will need to filter and add specification code: 8062A); download APP: REDefinitions. AQA RE Command Words Textbook and Revision Guides. Church; Mosque either visit or use TrueTube to see virtual places of worship.  


Year 11

Websites Read Visit or Watch Extra
RE Online; Seneca Learning; BBC Religion Programmes; AQA Past Papers (will need to filter and add specification code: 8062A); download APP: REDefinitions. AQA RE Command Words Textbook and Revision Guides. Church; Mosque either visit or use TrueTube to see virtual places of worship.