

MFL: French

Entry Criteria


Grade 6

in your chosen language


A modern foreign language combines well with a wide range of subjects, both at A-Level and degree level, with languages highly valued by universities. Being able to speak another language makes you highly employable in a wide range of careers, as the skills and abilities that you gain from studying a language at A-Level are extremely versatile. According to the British Council, French, German and Spanish are three of the five most important languages for the British to learn. It is often stated that an inability to trade in languages other than British damages the UK’s export performance. This means that employees who use languages at work earn on average 8% more than others. Living in a global multilingual society, the ability to communicate in more than one language has never been more important. 

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If you require any further information about the curriculum we are following in this subject, please click here to contact the Head of Faculty/Department.

Course ID
AQA 7652
Modern Foreign Languages
Head of Faculty
J. Giffen
Head of Department
V. Barretto
Currently Studied, Offered Next Academic Year (subject to enrolment numbers)
MFL: French

Course Overview

Embark on a thrilling journey into the world of languages with our A-Level in French. Building on the vocabulary and grammar you mastered during KS4, this course takes you far beyond discussing everyday experiences. You will delve into compelling global issues such as immigration, politics, and environmental challenges, giving you a broader perspective on the world.

As you engage with these topics, you will gain a deeper understanding of the vibrant cultures and traditions in countries where your chosen language is spoken, enhancing your global awareness and cultural appreciation. This isn’t just about language; it’s about connecting with people and ideas across borders. Moreover, as part of the AQA French A-Level course, you will immerse yourself in at least one piece of literature, allowing you to explore the nuances of the language and its literary heritage. This will sharpen your analytical skills and enrich your linguistic prowess, as you analyse themes, characters, and context.

Through interactive lessons, discussions, and engaging projects, you will develop advanced language skills and the confidence to express your thoughts and opinions in a foreign language. A French A-Level is not just a qualification; it’s a passport to understanding the world!

Course Content

Year 12

Term Unit of Work Assessment
Autumn 1 Week 1 & 2: Intensive grammar revision.
TOPIC AREA Aspects of French-speaking society:
current trends
1. La famille en voie de changement
2. La cyber-société
Grammar test.
Autumn 2 TOPIC AREA Aspects of French-speaking society: current
Finishing Units 1 & 2, including introduction of new grammar.
3. Le rôle du bénévolat
TOPIC AREA Artistic culture in the French-speaking world
4. Une culture fière de son patrimoine
End of unit 1 and 2 assessments (Listening & Writing; Reading & Writing; Speaking – stimulus card section of the exam).
Spring 1 TOPIC AREA Aspects of French-speaking society: current
Finishing Unit 3, including introduction of new grammar
TOPIC AREA Artistic culture in the French-speaking world
Finishing Unit 4, including introduction of new grammar
End of unit 3 assessment (Listening & Writing; Reading & Writing; Speaking – stimulus card section of the exam).
End of unit 4 assessment (Listening & Writing; Reading & Writing; Speaking – stimulus card section of the exam).
Spring 2 TOPIC AREA Aspects of French-speaking society: current trends
5. La musique francophone contemporaine, including introduction of new grammar
6. Le septième art, including introduction of new grammar
Summer 1 TOPIC AREA Aspects of French-speaking society: current trends.
Finishing Units 5 & 6.
End of unit 5 & 6 assessment (Listening & Writing; Reading & Writing; Speaking – stimulus card section of the exam).
Summer 2 Revision.
Introduction to ‘A’ Level literature text and film.
End of year exam (Listening & Writing; Reading & Writing; Speaking).


Year 13

Term Unit of Work Assessment
Autumn 1 Study of Literary Text: Kiffe Kiffe Demain.
Study of Film: La Haine.
Individual preparation for Speaking Exam.
Topic Area: Aspects of French-speaking society: current issues
1. Les aspects positifs d’une société diverse
2. Quelle vie pour les marginalisés?
Autumn 2 Study of Literary Text: Kiffe Kiffe Demain.
Study of Film: La Haine.
Individual preparation for Speaking Exam – researching a topic of interest to the individual which pertains to the French speaking world in order to present and discuss it for the ‘A’ Level speaking exam.
Topic Area: Aspects of French-speaking society: current issues.
Finishing Units 1 & 2: Les aspects positifs d’une societé diverse / quelle vie pour les marginalisés
3. Comment on traite les criminels
Topic Area: Aspects of political life in the French-speaking world
4. Les ados, le droit de vote et l’engagement politique
End of unit 1 & 2 assessments (Listening & Writing; Reading & Writing; Speaking – stimulus card section of the exam).
Spring 1 Study of Literary Text: Kiffe Kiffe Demain.
Study of Film: La Haine.
Individual preparation for Speaking Exam.
Topic Area: Aspects of political life in the French-speaking world.
Finishing off units 3 and 4: Comment on traite les criminels / Les ados, le droit de vote, et l’engagement politique.
Essay writing – various themes from Kiffe Kiffe Demain and La Haine. End of unit 3 & 4 assessments (Listening & Writing; Reading & Writing; Speaking – stimulus card section of the exam).
Spring 2 Study of Literary Text: Kiffe Kiffe Demain.
Study of Film: La Haine.
Individual preparation for Speaking Exam.
Topic Area: Aspects of political life in the French-speaking world
5. Manifestations, grèves – à qui le pouvoir?
6. La politique et l’immigration.
Revision and exam preparation.
End of unit 5 & 6 assessments (Listening & Writing; Reading & Writing; Speaking – stimulus card section of the exam).
Summer 1 Revision and exam preparation.  
Summer 2 ‘A’ Level Examination. ‘A’ Level Examination.


Extended Learning

Year 12

Websites Read Visit or Watch Extra
Languages Online; Quizlet; News in Slow French; 1jour1actu. News in French – newspapers, magazines, podcasts, radio. French language music. French language TV programmes; French language films. Regularly practise spoken French with other people (native French speakers or your classmates / friends / family who speak French). Visit a French speaking country if possible.


Year 13

Websites Read Visit or Watch Extra
Languages Online; Quizlet; News in Slow French; 1jour1actu. Kiffe Kiffe Demain, related articles, magazines and newspapers. Critiques of La Haine and related articles. La Haine (including trip to BFI if it is being shown on a big screen); French language TV programmes; French language films. Subscribe to L’Institut Français. Practise spoken French with other people (native French speakers or your classmates / friends / family who speak French). Visit a French speaking country if possible.