The latest EBS

Exam Results & Destinations

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Exam Results

East Barnet School examination results can be found on this page, in year order. On each page you will also find the EBS results compared to national results. Further information and the ability to compare schools can be found on the DfE Performance Tables website.

Whilst at school, students will take GCSE and ‘A’ Level examinations, and will receive their final grades in the summer on exam results days (details of these will be advertised closer to the time). In preparation for the exams, students will take mock exams, as well as attend revision sessions and make good use of the EBS Learning Ladders. The Learning Ladders show the progress that students should make and what they need to do to make that progress. There are different Ladders for each subject, and they can be found by clicking here.

The examination and grading process has been through a transition period for GCSEs and ‘A’ Levels, with different subjects changing at different times. A brief overview of the changes can be found below:

GCSE Reforms

The main features of the new GCSEs are:

  1. A new grading scale of 9 to 1 is being used, with 9 being the top grade. This allows greater differentiation between students and will help distinguish the new GCSEs from previous versions.
  2. Assessment will be mainly by exam, with other types of assessment used only where they are needed to test essential skills.
  3. There will be new, more demanding content, which has been developed by government and the exam boards.
  4. Courses will be designed for two years of study – they will no longer be divided into different modules and students will take all their exams in one period at the end of their course.
  5. Exams can only be split into ‘foundation tier’ and ‘higher tier’ if one exam paper does not give all students the opportunity to show their knowledge and abilities.
  6. Resit opportunities will only be available each November in English Language and Mathematics.

'A' Level Reforms

The main features of the new qualifications are:

  1. Assessment will be mainly by exam, with other types of assessment used only where they are needed to test essential skills.
  2. The content for the new ‘A’ Levels has been reviewed and updated. Universities played a greater role in this for the new qualifications than they did previously.

If you are unsure about anything or you have any questions, please feel free to contact the school.

Latest A-Level Results by Subject

Art - Fine Art9171
Business Studies1745521
Computer Science263145103
Design & Technology22227911
Drama & Theatre Studies6222
English Language2711259
English Literature10442
Mathematics (Further)61131
Physical Education112513
Extended Project125511

National Exam Results

To see EBS results compared to national exam results, use the dropdown menu below to select different years.

Given the uneven impact of the pandemic on school and college performance data, the government has said you should not make direct comparisons between the performance data for one school or college and another, or to data from previous years.

2022 - 2023
2022 - 2023
2021 - 2022
2018 - 2019
2017 - 2018
2016 - 2017
2015 - 2016
2014 - 2015
2013 - 2014
2012 - 2013


Progress 8
EBS: 0.26 Above Average
National: -0.03

Attainment 8
EBS: 54.6
National: 46.2

Percentage of students who achieved Grade 5 or above
in English and Maths:
EBS: 64%
National: 45%

Percentage of students who achieved Grade 4 or above
in English and Maths:
National: TBC

Percentage of students entered for the
English Baccalaureate:
EBS: 31%
National: 39%

Percentage of students who achieved the
English Baccalaureate:
EBS (5+): 19%
EBS (4+): 27%
National (5+): 17%
National (4+): 24%

Average Point Score (APS) for students
who achieved the English Baccalaureate:
EBS: 4.84
National: 4.05


A-Levels: N/A
Academic Qualification incl. A Levels: N/A
Applied General: N/A

Average Result
A-Levels: B
National: B

Academic Qualification incl. A Levels: B
National: B
Applied General: Merit
National: Dist-

Progress in English and Maths
English: N/A
Maths: N/A

A Levels: TBC
Academic Qualification incl. A Levels: TBC
Applied General: TBC


Progress 8
EBS: 0.01
National: -0.03

Attainment 8
EBS: 53.3
National: 48.8

Percentage of pupils who achieved Grade 5 or above
in English and Maths:
EBS: 55%
National: 50%

Percentage of pupils who achieved Grade 4 or above
in English and Maths:
EBS: 75%
National: TBC

Percentage of pupils entered for the
English Baccalaureate:
EBS: 24%
National: 39%

Percentage of pupils who achieved the
English Baccalaureate:
EBS (5+): 15%
EBS (4+): 19%
National (5+): 20%
National (4+): 27%

Average Point Score (APS) for pupils
who achieved the English Baccalaureate:
EBS: 4.6
National: 4.27


A-Levels: N/A
Academic Qualification incl. A Levels: N/A
Applied General: N/A

Average Result
A-Levels: B
National: TBC

Academic Qualification incl. A Levels: B
National: TBC
Applied General: Merit
National: TBC

Progress in English and Maths
English: N/A
Maths: N/A

A-Levels: TBC
Academic Qualification incl. A Levels: TBC
Applied General: TBC


Progress 8
EBS: 0.00
National: 0.00

Attainment 8
EBS: 51.1
National: 46.7

Percentage of pupils who achieved Grade 5 or above
in English and Maths:
EBS: 57%
National: 43%

Percentage of pupils who achieved Grade 4 or above
in English and Maths:
EBS: 71%
National: 64%

Percentage of pupils entered for the
English Baccalaureate:
EBS: 64%
National: 30%

Percentage of pupils who achieved the
English Baccalaureate:
EBS (5+): 30%
EBS (4+): 43%
National (5+): 17%
National (4+): 25%

Average Point Score (APS) for pupils
who achieved the English Baccalaureate:
EBS: 4.71
National: 4.07


A-Levels: 0.49
Well above national average
(about 5% of schools in England)

Academic Qualification incl. A Levels: 0.49
Well above national average
(about 5% of schools in England)

Applied General: 0.21
(about 63% of schools in England)

Average Result
A-Levels: B-
National: C+

Academic Qualification incl. A Levels: B-
National: C+
Applied General: Distinction
National: Merit+

Progress in English and Maths
English: 1.41
Maths: 0.71

A-Levels: 92.5%
Academic Qualification incl. A Levels: 92.5%
Applied General: 83.3%


Progress 8
EBS: -0.15
National: 0.00

Attainment 8
EBS: 48.6
National: 44.5

Percentage of pupils who achieved Grade 5 or above
in English and Maths:
EBS: 44%
National: 40.2%

Percentage of pupils who achieved Grade 4 or above
in English and Maths:
EBS: 66%
National: 59.4%

Percentage of pupils who achieved the
English Baccalaureate:
EBS (5+): 27%
EBS (4+): 41%
National (5+): 15.4%
National (4+): 22.2%


Progress +0.34
Average Result C+
Well above national average
(about 5% of schools in England)


Progress 8
EBS: -0.12
National: 0.00 

Attainment 8
EBS: 49.3
National: 44.6 

Percentage of pupils who achieved Grade 5 or above
in English and Maths:
EBS: 48%
National: 39.6% 

Percentage of pupils who achieved Grade 4 or above
in English and Maths:
EBS: 71%
National: 63.9% 

Percentage of pupils who achieved the
English Baccalaureate:
EBS: 33%
National: 19.7% 


Progress +0.22
Average Result C+
Above national average
(about 15% of schools in England)


Progress 8
EBS: 0.06
National: 0.00 
Attainment 8
EBS: 54.3
National: 48.5 
Percentage of pupils who achieved an A* – C in
English and Maths:
EBS: 73%
National: 59.3% 
Percentage of pupils who achieved the
English Baccalaureate:
EBS: 47.1%
National: 23.1% 


Progress +0.34
Average Result C+
Well above national average
(about 4% of schools in England)

Percentage of pupils who achieved a C or above in
GCSEs (or equivalent) in 5 or more subjects,
including English and Maths:

EBS: 63%
   (62% first sitting)
National: 56%

Average Point Score
EBS: 335.3
   (Significantly positive)
National: 308.6

Value Added
EBS: 1013.1
   (Significantly positive)
National: 1000

Progress 8
EBS: 0.29

Percentage of pupils who achieved the
English Baccalaureate:

EBS: 37%
   (37% first sitting)
National: 24%

Percentage of pupils who have achieved at least the
minimum expected levels of progress in English
and Maths between KS2 and KS4:

EBS – English: 78%
   (78% first sitting)
National: 69%
EBS – Maths: 71%
   (70% first sitting)
National: 66%

Percentage of pupils who achieved a C or above in
GCSEs (or equivalent) in 5 or more subjects,
including English and Maths:

EBS – 2013 Methodology: 67%
(National: 56%)
EBS – 2014 Methodology: 63%
(National: 55%)

Percentage of pupils who achieved the
English Baccalaureate:

EBS: 37% (National: 24%)

Percentage of pupils who have achieved at least
the minimum expected levels of progress in
English and Maths between KS2 and KS4:

EBS – English: 81%
(National: 70%)
EBS – Maths: 73%
(National: 65%)

Percentage of pupils who achieved a C or above
in GCSEs (or equivalent) in 5 or more subjects,
including English and Maths:

71% (National: 59.2%)

Percentage of pupils who achieved the
English Baccalaureate:

42% (National: 22%)

Percentage of pupils who have achieved at least
the minimum expected levels of progress in
English and Maths between KS2 and KS4:

English: 81%
(National: 69%)
Maths: 86%
(National: 70%)

Building the Foundations of the Future

Student Destinations


We are very proud of all the achievements of our students, throughout their time at East Barnet School. To help students decide on the best path for them, we also have a well established Careers service within the school for guidance.

Equipping our students for the future is really important at East Barnet School. Along with the great opportunities we offer, we also help students to achieve qualifications that enable them to move forward into either further education or training.

The data reported on this page is the most recent data that we can present. The reporting period is quite lengthy and then the figures have to be matched and checked against several different sources of information to ensure they are accurate. We will continuously update this page with new data, as and when it is available.

Key Stage 4 Destinations

Students who completed Key Stage 4 in 2021

  • Number in cohort: 236
  • Students in education for at least two terms after KS4: 97%
  • Students not staying in education for at least two terms after KS4: 0%
  • Destination unknown: 3%

Of the 97% of students that stayed in education, please see the table below for a more detailed breakdown:

  • School Sixth Form: 74%
  • Further Education College: 18%
  • Apprenticeships: 3%
  • Sixth Form College: 1%
  • Other further education provider: 0%

Key Stage 5 Destinations

Students who completed Key Stage 5 in 2020

  • Number of Students: 128
  • Students staying in education: 86%
  • Students entering apprenticeships: 2%
  • Students entering employment: 2%
  • Students not in education or employment for at least two terms after study: 2%
  • Destination unknown: 8%