Welcome to the EBS Additional Educational Needs Faculty! We hope to provide you with all the information you need about this faculty, but if you need any further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Our Faculty strives to ensure that the Additional Educational Needs of all our students are met. We provide support to students with a range of Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) and students with English as an Additional Language (EAL). Working with students who have an EHCP and those with SEN. We aim to promote the opportunities and achievements of all in line with our whole school ethos. Liaison with staff and knowing our students is essential and with this in mind we aim to meet with all SEND students before they join East Barnet in order to facilitate a successful transition to Secondary School.
Our Faculty is made up of 20+ members of staff including four AEN teachers. We work closely with the wider network including Inclusion Advisory team and the Autism Advisory team, we have regular visits from the Visual Impairment and Hearing Impairment advisors and from the Educational Psychologist. We have close relationships with CAMHs and other support practitioners from the local authority.
All local authorities have information on what provision they expect to be available to children with SEND.
This video was made for our new Year 7s, but it gives a great overview of the department for all students.
If your child has an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), arrangements for your child’s secondary transfer or in-year admission will be processed by the London Borough of Barnet SEN Team. The EHCP replaces the Statement of Special Educational Needs. For more information contact SENadmin@barnet.gov.uk.
If East Barnet School is seen as a viable option for your child, we will invite the family to the school to meet with our SENCO to ensure we have the correct support in place before your child starts.
The school is fully accessible for students with physical disabilities.
Our students are part of the whole school community, they are valued and valuable, they have a voice. They have access to a full range of activities, trips and extension opportunities. All students are encouraged to be part of the Student Voice and contribute to whole school initiatives and change.
Underpinning ALL our provision in school is the graduated approach cycle of Assess, Plan, Do and Review.
All teachers are responsible for every child in their care, including those with special educational needs. Throughout their school career students are assessed, work is planned and once completed the review of this leads to further planning and progress towards outcomes.
We will always do all that we can to ensure students are not excluded from any part of school life, whether that is in the classroom or through extra-curricular activities. Previously we have adapted seating plans for those students who are hard of hearing, visually impaired or are struggling emotionally; utilised wireless microphones for those hard of hearing, provided electronic tablets to help the visually impaired; and created cards to allow students to take a break from the classroom. If students wish to take part in any activity that may be a physical or emotional challenge, they are encouraged to speak to the SEN Team who will always find a solution.
We understand that Parents/Carers are best placed to understand the needs of their child and therefore having a positive, workable relationship between school and home is really important to us. Involving parents and learners in the dialogue is central to our approach, a few examples of how we do this are through:
More details of our approach can be found in our most recent SEND Report on this page.
Our Open Evening will be on Monday 30th September 5:30pm - 8:00pm with the Headteacher's speech at 7:30pm. Sign up to get early information on what will be happening, plus, ask us a question - we are going to try and answer some at the speeches!