We welcome hundreds of visitors on to our site every year, whether that is parents/carers, visiting speakers/authors, industry professionals, prospective parents/carers/employees, contractors – the list is endless!
To ensure the safety of our students and staff, we have specific protocols in place that must be followed by all visitors to the school site. All details can be found below. If you do have any questions, please either ring the school before your visit or speak to our receptionists on arrival.
We hope you have a great time visiting us!
Visitors must wear their lanyard and badge at all times when on-site and return it to reception when signing out.
All visitors must report to reception to sign in and be issued with a colour-coded lanyard and badge which must be worn prominently so that staff and students can easily identify them. The member of staff expecting the visitor/s will be contacted to collect them from the reception area on each visit. Depending upon circumstances visitors may be asked to provide identification and a DBS certificate.
Regular visitors to the site must sign in and out on each occasion.
Adults visiting EBS or working on-site are a regular feature of life at our school. All visitors are expected to play a part in protecting our students from harm and keeping them safe whilst visiting or working at the school.
All must adhere to the following guidelines:
Further details about safeguarding or other health and safety policies can be found on the policy section of our website.
Your host will explain and guide you through any emergency procedures. Please ensure that you read carefully the Fire Evacuation Notice for each room that you are in.
If the alarm is sounded, please follow directions on the Fire Evacuation Notice in each room, and listen to instructions from Fire Wardens. The assembly point is the astroturf at the rear of the building. Visitors who need assistance during an evacuation should fill in a Visitor Assistance Form.
A number of events, integrated into the school careers programme, will offer providers an opportunity to come into school to speak to students and/or their parents/carers. These include, but are not limited to:
Please speak to our Careers Leader to identify the most suitable opportunity for you.
Provider access will be granted on the merits of each application and the benefits such a visit will bring to the students. Each request will also be measured-up against our Safeguarding Policy and suitability of the opportunity, as some industries may not be appropriate for students. We are keen to invite providers from a wide range of industries, whether offering career opportunities, apprenticeships, higher education, or work and study.
If a provider is refused access, we will explain in detail the reasons why and whether there are steps that can be taken to improve future access. The decision to grant or refuse access is made by our Careers Leader, however, a provider may appeal a decision to the Headteacher. We have strong, positive relationships with all of our current providers, and we look forward to welcoming new providers on board in the future.
The school will make available, an appropriate space for discussions between the provider and students, as appropriate to the activity. The school will also make available AV and other specialist equipment to support provider presentations. This will all be discussed and agreed in advance of the visit with the Careers Leader or a member of their team.
Providers are welcome to leave a copy of their prospectus or other relevant course literature to be uploaded to the school’s online careers resource centre: EBS Careers SharePoint, which is managed by the Careers Administrator. The online resource centre can be accessed by all students, parents and carers.
Our Open Evening will be on Monday 30th September 5:30pm - 8:00pm with the Headteacher's speech at 7:30pm. Sign up to get early information on what will be happening, plus, ask us a question - we are going to try and answer some at the speeches!