Meet the


East Barnet School > About > Governors

EBS Governors

East Barnet, like every other school in the country, has a Governing Body of Governors. Its primary aim is to maintain and improve the quality of education and the standards of student achievement.

East Barnet is an Academy Trust Company. It has five Members who ‘own’ the company – a bit like shareholders in a commercial firm. They have a constitutional role in the running of the Academy. They ensure the company follows our constitution and that it performs its functions in accordance with its charitable objectives.

The majority of people on the Governing Body are not educational professionals, but willing volunteers who bring knowledge, skills and perspectives from the wider community. They are there to represent the public in the running of the school. They are not there to tell the Headteacher how to run the school.

Governors are involved in setting curriculum, discipline, admission and similar major policies. They appoint, reward and discipline staff, but do not decide who should be teaching Year 8 for English on a Monday morning!

The Governing Body is responsible for the overall budget distribution, but not how many pencils are bought.

Members of the Academy Trust

The members have a constitutional role in the running of the academy. They ensure the company follows our constitution and that it performs its functions in accordance with its charitable objectives.

Denis Hallam – Non-trustee Member

Jonathan Hewlings – Non-trustee Member

John Ireton – Chair of Governors

Nicholas Mottershead – original signatory

Sejal Rabone – Non-trustee Member


Our Governing Body is made up of individuals from various backgrounds to give a wide breadth of knowledge and experience.

The Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher, Associate Deputy Headteachers, and School Business Leader are non-voting members who attend to answer questions and give advice.

Chair of Governors and Vice Chair(s) of Governors are elected annually by the Governing Body from within this group. Chairs and Vice Chairs of Committees are also elected each year.

There are five Members of the East Barnet School Academy Trust Company: one of the original signatories to the Memorandum of Association, the Chair of Governors and three non-trustee Members.

The normal term of office for governors is four years.

Community Governors

  • Stuart Morrison Gates
  • Scott Michael Harrison
  • Major John Bernard Ireton
  • Irfan Ishaq
  • Theresa Claire Mackenzie
  • Susie Patricia McDonald
  • Nicholas John Mottershead
  • Paul David Quarrell
  • Susan Satchell
  • David Segal
  • Joanna Ray Tambourides
  • Claire Elizabeth Thomas

Parent Governors

  • Carla Lopes
  • Mukharram Mirbabaeva
  • Emily Margaret Sampson

Staff Governors

  • Mary Margaret De Maria (Office Manager)
  • Caroline Roncarati (Head of Design & Technology)
  • Mariam Zaman (Head of Mathematics)



Leann Swaine (currently on maternity leave)

Laura Coffill


Helen Elizabeth Chamberlain

Main Responsibilities of Governors

  • Set Admissions Criteria
  • Set the budget
  • Determine Curriculum Policy
  • Select Headteacher, Deputy Headteachers and other senior members of staff
  • Ensure the additional educational needs of students are met
  • Set Sex Education Policy
  • Make sure Religious Education is provided according to the law
  • Deal with formal disciplinary matters
  • Decide to reinstate permanently excluded students or not
  • Produce an action plan following an Ofsted inspection
  • Pass on any information to which parents or members of the public are legally entitled

The Freedom of Information Act requires publicly funded bodies, including schools, to be clear about the information they publish. We have produced a publication scheme setting out all the information we publish on a regular basis and where to find it. You can ask the school office to provide you with a copy free of charge and can also download it from our policies page.

Contact the Governors

Major John Bernard Ireton, Chair of Governors
c/o East Barnet School, Chestnut Grove, East Barnet, Herts EN4 8PU

AEN Link (Including Most Able Students)

Takes responsibility for liaising with the school’s Additional Educational Needs and Most Able Students coordinators. Keeps up-to-date with developments and progress in these areas and reports back to the Governing Body.

Stuart Morrison Gates

Careers Link

Mukkhara Mirbabaeva

Data Protection Link

Monitors the implementation and compliance with GDPR across the school, delegating day-to-day responsibility to a knowledgeable and skilled member of staff to ensure data is collected and processed in such a way as to maintain strategic oversight of compliance with GDPR.

Nicholas John Mottershead

Educational Visits Link

Monitors the school’s policy for educational, recreational and sporting visits outside the school premises. Monitors Risk Assessments and reports back to the Governing Body.

Emily Sampson

Equal Opportunity Link

Takes responsibility for liaising with the school’s Equal Opportunity Co-ordinator. Ensures legal requirements are being met and reports back to the Governing body.

Claire Elizabeth Thomas

Health & Safety Link

Takes responsibility for liaising with the school’s Health & Safety Coordinator. Ensures legal requirements are being met and reports back to the Governing Body.

Major John Bernard Ireton

Nicholas John Mottershead


Acts as a liaison between the Governing Body and the PTFA to ensure a collaborative work can be done for the school.

Major John Bernard Ireton

Safeguarding Link

Is the nominated governor responsible for child protection issues and policy.

Susie Patricia McDonald

Sixth Form Link

Works with the Sixth Form Team looking at results, enrolment and opportunities for our Sixth Formers.

Claire Elizabeth Thomas

EBS Governor Committees

Admissions Committee

Chair: Major John Bernard Ireton

The aim of the Admissions Committee is to ensure that East Barnet School meets its legal obligations with regard to admissions arrangements and to monitor and review the Admissions Policy, both in terms of its content and how it is applied on a practical basis.

The Admissions Committee works on behalf of the School Governing Body will review the East Barnet School Admissions Policy every year, with any recommendations sent to the next available Governing Body meeting for ratification. They are in place to monitor the application of the Admissions Policy and to consider any recommendations from the Independent Admissions Appeals Panel. They also ensure that the Admissions Criteria are put out to consultation within the time frames required by law.

The Admissions Committee receive reports and notifications from members of school staff with responsibility for admissions and the Headteacher if necessary, meeting every September and in the Summer Term of each academic year and on other occasions as required.

Audit Committee

Chair: Claire Elizabeth Thomas

The Audit Committee will consider matters relating to internal control and auditors. It is there to advise the governing body on the adequacy and effectiveness of the Academy Trust’s systems of internal control and its arrangements for risk management, control and financial governance processes, and securing economy, efficiency and effectiveness (value for money).

The Committee will work on behalf of the School Governing Body to ensure the audit processes and controls comply with financial and Department for Education legislation and requirements for academy schools and report these findings to the Resources Committee. Within that scope, this Committee with advise on the appointment, reappointment, dismissal and remuneration of auditors (both external auditors and internal audit), coordinating between auditors and the school whilst monitoring the effectiveness of auditors using auditor performance indicators.

The Audit Committee will ensure that all allegations of fraud and irregularity are appropriately investigated and controls weaknesses addressed.

Learning Committee

Chair: Scott Michael Harrison

The Learning Committee reviews and evaluates teaching and learning; student achievement and standards; and the implementation of ‘Every Child Matters’.

It monitors and reviews academic and pastoral arrangements to ensure the school delivers a broad and balanced curriculum in keeping with the ethos of the school and the requirements of the National Curriculum, ‘Every Child Matters’ and other statutory commitments, including: Religious Education, Collective Worship and Sex Education, then reports outcomes to the Full Governing Body.

Curriculum provision and delivery is regularly monitored by means of faculty presentations during Committee meetings; and from outcomes of internal monitoring, evaluation and reviews. Curriculum related policies and procedures are monitored and reviewed and their effectiveness questioned, at regular and appropriate intervals.

The Learning Committee ensures that, as far as possible, EBS is a place of positive experience and enjoyment for students and that the Rewards system reflects this.

Pay Committee

Chair: Major John Bernard Ireton

The aim of the Pay Committee is to achieve the aims of the school’s Pay Policy in a fair and equal manner, and to monitor and maintain an overview of remuneration options, including pension provision, for employees as a recruitment/retention/motivation tool.

The Pay Committee will work on behalf of the School Governing Body to review the East Barnet School’s Pay Policy at least every two years (other governors may be invited), with any recommendations sent to the next available Governing Body meeting for ratification and to meet annually to agree outcomes of Performance Management reviews and at other times as necessary.

When appropriate, the Pay Committee will receive reports and notifications from the Headteacher in accordance with the Pay Policy and delegate powers to the Headteacher, if required. Additionally, they will ensure consultation with staff and the recognised Trade Unions before any changes to the Pay Policy are put in place. The Pay Committee ensures, as far as is practical, that Health & Safety issues are appropriately monitored and remedied.

People Committee

Chair: Stuart Morrison Gates

The People Committee promotes the health and wellbeing of all staff and students. It ensures the school manages its employees effectively and efficiently and within employment law; that the school delivers the best possible student welfare service and that the school’s pastoral support strategy meets the welfare needs of all students.

The People Committee ensures the effective management of employees, teaching and learning throughout the school by working with the Headteacher and the Senior Leadership Team to secure and maintain quality teaching and support services. It does this by recruiting staff of the highest quality, with equality of opportunity for all; deploying and developing all staff effectively; and ensuring that professional duties are fulfilled, as specified in the terms and conditions of service of teachers including those for the Headteacher.

The People Committee monitors and reviews staffing and student welfare related policies and procedures, including their effectiveness, at regular and appropriate intervals.

Resources Committee

Chair: Paul David Quarrell

The Resources Committee develops a long-term building and accommodation strategy for the school, in conjunction with the School Development Plan; assists the school management on specific building issues; maintains and develops the accommodation of the school in line with the School Development Plan; ensures its efficient use within the budget; and monitors observance and implementation of the Financial Responsibilities of the Governing Body.

The Committee advises the Governing Body on financial strategy and policy within the resources available and reports all major decisions and matters concerning the finances of the school. It monitors the timely submission of any grant applications and financial returns to the DfE, Companies House, Academy Trustees and others. It ensures expenditure remains within the budget limits agreed by the Governing Body and that the school is not exposed to any unnecessary financial risk.

The Resources Committee ensures that the school’s annual accounts are properly signed and presented; and ensures records relating to the accounts are maintained.

Chairs & Vice-Chairs Committee

Chair: Major John Bernard Ireton

The aim of the Chairs and Vice-Chairs Committee is to generally take a more strategic and co-ordinating role than other committees and so increase the effectiveness of the work of the Governing Body in being a supportive, critical friend to the school. This opportunity also provides a forum where Chairs and Vice-Chairs can work together and share knowledge to promote consistent good practice, develop standardised information and reporting systems and feed these back to all sub-committees.

They meet before the Full Governing Body session each term to agree the work of the Governing Body and its committees for that term and beyond, based on known cycles of school improvement, financial management, staffing issues and communicating with parents. They also discuss new ideas on how to take the Governing Body forward.

The Chairs and Vice-Chairs Committee is also responsible for considering training needs for existing Governors; subjects for pre-FGB meeting presentations; and targeting candidates for Community Governor recruitment. Additionally they will make recommendations to the Governing Body to establish exceptional working arrangements where particular circumstances arise e.g., a committee to oversee a building project or an Ofsted inspection. They will always be available and respond to matters of difficulty, sensitivity or emergency and offer advice to the Headteacher.

Full Governing Body / Board of Trustees Committee

Chair: Major John Bernard Ireton

The board’s first core function is about strategic leadership. This involves setting the School’s overall strategic framework, including its vision and strategic priorities. It also includes responsibility for setting and modelling its culture, values and ethos.

As the accountable body, the board is the key decision maker. It may delegate operational matters to executive leaders and governance functions to committees, or in some cases to individuals, but the board as a corporate entity remains accountable and responsible for all decisions made and executive leaders operate within the autonomy, powers and functions delegated to them by the board.

In addition to strategic leadership, the board’s other two core functions are about creating robust accountability for executive leaders. This means holding them to account for both educational performance and for financial and organisational performance, and ensuring money is well spent.

The Full Governing Body meet every term (three times a year) and is attended by the Headteacher and School Business Leader to report on the school (students, behaviour, staff turnover, etc) and finances respectively. The FGB also approve the School Development Plan.

Governing Body Statutory Information

Statutory information on Governors who have served on the East Barnet School Governing Body during the last 12 months:

Current:Mary Margaret De Maria

Date of original appointment: 14/03/2019

Term of office: 4 years

End of term: 13/03/2027

Appointed by (in accordance with the Trust’s Articles):
School staff (elected Staff Governor)

Current academic year attendance is updated at the end of each term.

Attendance at Full Governing Body meetings Autumn & Spring Term 2023/2024: 2/2 attended
Attendance at Committee meetings Autumn & Spring Term 2023/2024: 4/5 attended

% attendance at Full Governing Body meetings academic year 2022/2023: 100%
% attendance at Committee meetings academic year 2022/2023: 67%


Relationships with other governors or school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives): Nil

Governance roles in other educational institutions: Nil

Relevant business and pecuniary interests (as recorded in the register of interests):

  • Employed by the Academy Trust as Office Manager

Current:Stuart Morrison Gates

Date of original appointment: 01/04/2018

Most recent re-election: 31/03/2022

Term of office: 4 years

End of term: 31/03/2026

Appointed by (in accordance with the Trust’s Articles):
The Governing Body and Members of the Academy Trust

Current academic year attendance is updated at the end of each term.

Attendance at Full Governing Body meetings Autumn & Spring Term 2023/2024: 2/2 attended
Attendance at Committee meetings Autumn & Spring Term 2023/2024: 17/17 attended

% attendance at Full Governing Body meetings academic year 2022/2023: 100%
% attendance at Committee meetings academic year 2022/2023: 89%


Relationships with other governors or school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives): Nil

Governance roles in other educational institutions: Nil

Relevant business and pecuniary interests (as recorded in the register of interests):

  • The Seasoned Grocer, Partner, Training and Mentoring, since 9th October 2017
  • East Barnet School PTFA, Elected Official and Trustee, since 1st December 2013
  • Stuart Gates Food Consultancy, Sole Trader and Owner, food projects business for producers, events and retailers, since 15th September 2010
  • Impact Barnet Charity, Trustee, charity supporting teenagers with life issues and working with schools, since 17th June 2021

Current:Scott Michael Harrison

Date of original appointment: 11/06/2012

Most recent re-election: 12/06/2020

Term of office: 4 years

End of term: 11/06/2024

Appointed by (in accordance with the Trust’s Articles):
The Governing Body and Members of the Academy Trust

Current academic year attendance is updated at the end of each term.

Attendance at Full Governing Body meetings Autumn & Spring Term 2023/2024: 2/2 attended
Attendance at Committee meetings Autumn & Spring Term 2023/2024: 4/6 attended

% attendance at Full Governing Body meetings academic year 2022/2023: 67%
% attendance at Committee meetings academic year 2022/2023: 86%


Relationships with other governors or school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives): Nil

Governance roles in other educational institutions: 

  • Kensington Aldridge Academy, Governor, since 1st October 2017

Relevant business and pecuniary interests (as recorded in the register of interests):

  • Association for Citizenship Teaching, Chair of Trustees, since 1st March 2013
  • Barnet Museum, Trustee, since 14th May 2021

Current:Major John Bernard Ireton

Date of original appointment: 11/06/2012

Most recent re-election: 06/06/2020

Term of office: 4 years

End of term: 05/06/2024

Appointed by (in accordance with the Trust’s Articles):
The Governing Body and Members of the Academy Trust

Current academic year attendance is updated at the end of each term.

Attendance at Full Governing Body meetings Autumn & Spring Term 2023/2024: 2/2 attended
Attendance at Committee meetings Autumn & Spring Term 2023/2024: 19/20 attended

% attendance at Full Governing Body meetings academic year 2022/2023: 67%
% attendance at Committee meetings academic year 2022/2023: 100%


Relationships with other governors or school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives): Nil

Governance roles in other educational institutions: 

  • Governor at Danegrove School since 13/11/2005 (term ends 29/08/2025) which is our nearest primary school and sends over 50% of students to EBS.

Relevant business and pecuniary interests (as recorded in the register of interests):

  • Ridgeway Alleyways Association (non-profit company protecting alleyways around Ridgeway Avenue and Windsor Drive – one alleyway borders the school), Director, since 1st October 2014

Current:Irfan Mohammed Ishaq

Date of original appointment: 06/11/2020

Term of office: 4 years

End of term: 05/11/2024 

Appointed by (in accordance with the Trust’s Articles):
Parents (elected Parent Governor)

Current academic year attendance is updated at the end of each term.

Attendance at Full Governing Body meetings Autumn & Spring Term 2023/2024: 1/2 attended
Attendance at Committee meetings Autumn & Spring Term 2023/2024: 3/4 attended

% attendance at Full Governing Body meetings academic year 2022/2023: 33%
% attendance at Committee meetings academic year 2022/2023: 80%


Relationships with other governors or school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives): Nil

Governance roles in other educational institutions: Nil

Relevant business and pecuniary interests (as recorded in the register of interests): Nil

Current:Carla Lopes

Date of original appointment: 15/04/2024

Term of office: 4 years

End of term: 14/04/2028

Appointed by (in accordance with the Trust’s Articles):
Parents (elected Parent Governor)

Current academic year attendance is updated at the end of each term.

Attendance at Full Governing Body meetings Autumn & Spring Term 2023/2024: N/A
Attendance at Committee meetings Autumn & Spring Term 2023/2024: 2/2 attended


Relationships with other governors or school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives): Nil

Governance roles in other educational institutions: Nil

Relevant business and pecuniary interests (as recorded in the register of interests): Nil

Current:Theresa Claire Mackenzie

Date of appointment: 02/11/2020

Term of office: 4 years

End of term: 01/11/2024

Appointed by (in accordance with the Trust’s Articles):
The Governing Body and Members of the Academy Trust

Current academic year attendance is updated at the end of each term.

Attendance at Full Governing Body meetings Autumn & Spring Term 2023/2024: 2/2 attended
Attendance at Committee meetings Autumn & Spring Term 2023/2024: 7/8 attended

% attendance at Full Governing Body meetings academic year 2022/2023: 67%
% attendance at Committee meetings academic year 2022/2023: 67%


Relationships with other governors or school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives): Nil

Governance roles in other educational institutions: Nil

Relevant business and pecuniary interests (as recorded in the register of interests): Nil

Current:Susan Patricia McDonald

Date of original appointment: 23/11/2013

Most recent re-election: 07/12/2021

Term of office: 4 years

End of term: 06/12/2025

Appointed by (in accordance with the Trust’s Articles):
The Governing Body and Members of the Academy Trust

Current academic year attendance is updated at the end of each term.

Attendance at Full Governing Body meetings Autumn & Spring Term 2023/2024: 2/2 attended
Attendance at Committee meetings Autumn & Spring Term 2023/2024: 8/11 attended

% attendance at Full Governing Body meetings academic year 2022/2023: 100%
% attendance at Committee meetings academic year 2022/2023: 83%


Relationships with other governors or school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives): Nil

Governance roles in other educational institutions: Nil

Relevant business and pecuniary interests (as recorded in the register of interests):

  • Tender Education & Arts (education charity with teacher training sessions), Chief Executive, since 1st April 2004

Current:Makharram Mirbabaeva

Date of original appointment: 01/11/2021

Term of office: 4 years

End of term: 01/11/2025

Appointed by (in accordance with the Trust’s Articles):
Parents (elected Parent Governor)

Current academic year attendance is updated at the end of each term.

Attendance at Full Governing Body meetings Autumn & Spring Term 2023/2024: 2/2 attended
Attendance at Committee meetings Autumn & Spring Term 2023/2024: 1/3 attended

% attendance at Full Governing Body meetings academic year 2022/2023: 67%
% attendance at Committee meetings academic year 2022/2023: 100%


Relationships with other governors or school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives): Nil

Governance roles in other educational institutions: Nil

Relevant business and pecuniary interests (as recorded in the register of interests): Nil

Current:Nicholas John Mottershead

Date of original appointment: 09/10/2014

Most recent re-election: 20/07/2022

Term of office: 4 years

End of term: 08/10/2026

Appointed by (in accordance with the Trust’s Articles):
The Governing Body and Members of the Academy Trust

Current academic year attendance is updated at the end of each term.

Attendance at Full Governing Body meetings Autumn & Spring Term 2023/2024: 2/2 attended
Attendance at Committee meetings Autumn & Spring Term 2023/2024: 18/18 attended

% attendance at Full Governing Body meetings academic year 2022/2023: 67%
% attendance at Committee meetings academic year 2022/2023: 100%


Relationships with other governors or school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives): Nil

Governance roles in other educational institutions: Nil

Relevant business and pecuniary interests (as recorded in the register of interests):

  • Busyperson Ltd (media post-production, training and consultancy), Director, since 5th May 2015
  • 2Step Media Ltd (trading name for Busyperson Ltd), Director, since 19th September 2015
  • Treasurer of East Barnet School PTFA
  • Related party: Married to childhood & adolescent counsellor, supply teacher, private tutor to primary and secondary
  • Related party: Father of Graphic Designer including sign manufacture and web design

Current:Paul David Quarrell

Date of original appointment: 06/07/2022

Term of office: 4 years

End of term: 05/07/2025

Appointed by (in accordance with the Trust’s Articles):
Parents (elected Parent Governor)

Current academic year attendance is updated at the end of each term.

Attendance at Full Governing Body meetings Autumn & Spring Term 2023/2024: 2/2 attended
Attendance at Committee meetings Autumn & Spring Term 2023/2024: 4/11 attended

% attendance at Full Governing Body meetings academic year 2022/2023: 67%
% attendance at Committee meetings academic year 2022/2023: 88%


Relationships with other governors or school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives): Nil

Governance roles in other educational institutions: Nil

Relevant business and pecuniary interests (as recorded in the register of interests):

Reappraise Consulting Ltd., Owner, Chartered Surveying Practice delivering estates and property support to health and education sectors, since 31st October 2015

Current:Caroline Roncarati

Date of original appointment: 01/04/2011

Most recent re-election: 28/11/2020

Term of office: 4 years

End of term: 27/11/2024

Appointed by (in accordance with the Trust’s Articles):
School Staff (elected Staff Governor)

Current academic year attendance is updated at the end of each term.

Attendance at Full Governing Body meetings Autumn Term 2023/2024: 1/2 attended
Attendance at Committee meetings Autumn Term 2023/2024: 1/4 attended

% attendance at Full Governing Body meetings academic year 2022/2023: 67%
% attendance at Committee meetings academic year 2022/2023: 83%


Relationships with other governors or school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives): Nil

Governance roles in other educational institutions: Nil

Relevant business and pecuniary interests (as recorded in the register of interests):

  • Employed by the Academy Trust as a Teacher.
  • Related parties: Brother and Father are Directors at RPM Engineering who service and repair school minibuses.

Current:Emily Sampson

Date of original appointment: 21/05/2022

Term of office: 4 years

End of term: 20/05/2026

Appointed by (in accordance with the Trust’s Articles):
The Governing Body and Members of the Academy Trust

Current academic year attendance is updated at the end of each term.

Attendance at Full Governing Body meetings Autumn & Spring Term 2023/2024: 2/2 attended
Attendance at Committee meetings Autumn & Spring Term 2023/2024: 1/3 attended

% attendance at Full Governing Body meetings academic year 2022/2023: 67%
% attendance at Committee meetings academic year 2022/2023: 75%


Relationships with other governors or school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives): Nil

Governance roles in other educational institutions: Nil

Relevant business and pecuniary interests (as recorded in the register of interests): Nil

Current:Susan Satchell

Date of original appointment: 21/03/2024

Term of office: 4 years

End of term: 20/03/2028

Appointed by (in accordance with the Trust’s Articles):
The Governing Body and Members of the Academy Trust

Current academic year attendance is updated at the end of each term.

Attendance at Full Governing Body meetings Autumn & Spring Term 2023/2024: N/A
Attendance at Committee meetings Autumn & Spring Term 2023/2024: 1/1 attended


Relationships with other governors or school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives): Nil

Governance roles in other educational institutions: Nil

Relevant business and pecuniary interests (as recorded in the register of interests): Nil

Current:David Segal

Date of original appointment: 21/02/2024

Term of office: 4 years

End of term: 20/02/2028

Appointed by (in accordance with the Trust’s Articles):
The Governing Body and Members of the Academy Trust

Current academic year attendance is updated at the end of each term.

Attendance at Full Governing Body meetings Autumn & Spring Term 2023/2024: 1/1 attended
Attendance at Committee meetings Autumn & Spring Term 2023/2024: 3/3 attended


Relationships with other governors or school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives): Nil

Governance roles in other educational institutions: Nil

Relevant business and pecuniary interests (as recorded in the register of interests):

  • Employee of Starling Bank.
  • Partner is a teacher at Trinity Catholic High School.

Current:Claire Elizabeth Thomas

Date of original appointment: 03/10/2016

Most recent re-election: 03/10/2020

Term of office: 4 years

End of term: 02/10/2024

Appointed by (in accordance with the Trust’s Articles):
The Governing Body and Members of the Academy Trust

Current academic year attendance is updated at the end of each term.

Attendance at Full Governing Body meetings Autumn & Spring Term 2023/2024: 2/2 attended
Attendance at Committee meetings Autumn & Spring Term 2023/2024: 11/15 attended

% attendance at Full Governing Body meetings academic year 2022/2023: 100%
% attendance at Committee meetings academic year 2022/2023: 64%


Relationships with other governors or school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives): Nil

Governance roles in other educational institutions:

Minority Rights Group, Director of Charity, since 1st March 2023

Relevant business and pecuniary interests (as recorded in the register of interests): Nil

Current:Mariam Zaman

Date of original appointment: 22/07/2017

Most recent re-election: 20/07/2021

Term of office: 4 years

End of term: 21/07/2025

Appointed by (in accordance with the Trust’s Articles):
School Staff (elected Staff Governor)

Current academic year attendance is updated at the end of each term.

Attendance at Full Governing Body meetings Autumn & Spring Term 2023/2024: 1/2 attended
Attendance at Committee meetings Autumn & Spring Term 2023/2024: 3/4 attended

% attendance at Full Governing Body meetings academic year 2022/2023: 33%
% attendance at Committee meetings academic year 2022/2023: 80%


Relationships with other governors or school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives): Nil

Governance roles in other educational institutions: Nil

Relevant business and pecuniary interests (as recorded in the register of interests):

  • Employed by the Academy Trust as a Teacher

Historical:Joanna Ray Tambourides

Date of original appointment: 01/04/2011

Term of office: 13 years

End of term: 11/07/2024

Appointed by (in accordance with the Trust’s Articles):
The Governing Body and Members of the Academy Trust

Historical:Maria Papadima

Date of original appointment: 06/06/2021

Term of office: 4 years

End of term: 23/01/2023

Appointed by (in accordance with the Trust’s Articles):
Parents (elected Parent Governor)


Historical:Dragana Jakovljevic Ramsden

Date of original appointment: 21/02/2022

Term of office: 4 years

End of term: 31/08/2023

Appointed by (in accordance with the Trust’s Articles):
Parents (elected Parent Governor

Historical:Timothy John Beech Williamson

Date of original appointment: 31/01/2018

Most recent re-election: 07/03/2022

Term of office: 4 years

End of term: 16/10/2023

Historical:Nayan Rughani

Date of original appointment: 01/09/2022

End of term: 03/02/2023

Appointed by (in accordance with the Trust’s Articles):
The Governing Body and Members of the Academy Trust


Accounting Officer:Leann Swaine

Date of appointment: 01/09/2018

Current academic year attendance is updated at the end of each term.

Attendance at Full Governing Body meetings Autumn & Spring Term 2023/2024: 1/2 attended (on maternity leave)
Attendance at Committee meetings Autumn & Spring Term 2023/2024: 1/4 attended (on maternity leave)


Relationships with other governors or school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives): Nil

Governance roles in other educational institutions: Nil

Relevant business and pecuniary interests (as recorded in the register of interests): Nil

Chief Financial Officer:Helen Elizabeth Chamberlain

Date of appointment: 01/11/2019

Current academic year attendance is updated at the end of each term.

Attendance at Full Governing Body meetings Autumn & Spring Term 2023/2024: 2/2 attended
Attendance at Committee meetings Autumn & Spring Term 2023/2024: 9/9 attended

% attendance at Full Governing Body meetings academic year 2022/2023: 33%
% attendance at Committee meetings academic year 2022/2023: 83%

Relationships with other governors or school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives): Nil

Governance roles in other educational institutions: Nil

Relevant business and pecuniary interests (as recorded in the register of interests): Nil


Member:Denis Hallam

Date of appointment: 18/12/2018

Relationships with other governors or school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives): Nil

Governance roles in other educational institutions: Nil

Relevant business and pecuniary interests (as recorded in the register of interests): Nil

Member:John Bernard Ireton

Date of appointment: 21/12/2017

Relationships with other governors or school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives): Nil

Governance roles in other educational institutions: 

  • Governor at Danegrove School since 13/11/2005 (term ends 29/08/2025) which is our nearest primary school and sends over 50% of students to EBS.

Relevant business and pecuniary interests (as recorded in the register of interests):

  • Ridgeway Alleyways Association (non-profit company protecting alleyways around Ridgeway Avenue and Windsor Drive – one alleyway borders the school), Director, since 1st October 2014

Member:Nicholas Mottershead

Date of appointment: 04/03/2011

Relationships with other governors or school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives): Nil

Governance roles in other educational institutions: Nil

Relevant business and pecuniary interests (as recorded in the register of interests):

  • Busyperson Ltd (media post-production, training and consultancy), Director, since 5th May 2015
  • 2Step Media Ltd (trading name for Busyperson Ltd), Director, since 19th September 2015
  • Treasurer of East Barnet School PTFA
  • Related party: Married to childhood & adolescent counsellor, supply teacher, private tutor to primary and secondary
  • Related party: Father of Graphic Designer including sign manufacture and web design

Member:Sejal Rabone

Date of appointment: 21/12/2017

Relationships with other governors or school staff (including spouses, partners and close relatives): Nil

Governance roles in other educational institutions: 

  • CHBP Federation, Chair of Governors

Relevant business and pecuniary interests (as recorded in the register of interests):

  • Independent Governance Clerk since 01/12/2023

Historical:Jonathan Hewlings

Date of original appointment: 18/12/2018

End of term: 24/07/2024

If You Have a Problem

Voicing Concerns

When parents have a problem or complaint about school it is often difficult to know where to turn. Usually, the best place to start is with your child’s Form Tutor, or Head of Year. For more serious problems speak to the Headteacher.

If your problem still has not been resolved, please contact Major John Bernard Ireton, the Chair of Governors, care of the school. Please remember that it is best to have an appointment to see anyone at the school. Although every effort will be made to help you, don’t simply turn up and expect to be seen straight away. Please also remember that all members of the school community have a right to be treated in a polite and courteous manner. Aggressive and rude behaviour from anyone is unacceptable and less likely to see grievances dealt with any more quickly or successfully.

Taking Matters Further

Up-to-date information can be obtained from the Advisory Centre for Education. Their website also has sections covering bullying, applying for a school, racism, exclusions, how to complain etc. They are a charity and some information and advice may be charged. This page contains other contact details under ‘Useful Contacts’.

Clerk to the Governors

Useful Contacts

Chair of Governors: Major John Bernard Ireton
c/o East Barnet School, Chestnut Grove, East Barnet EN4 8PU
020 8440 4162

London Borough of Barnet Children’s Service
North London Business Park, Oakleigh Road South, London N11 1NP
020 8359 2000

London Borough of Barnet
North London Business Park , Oakleigh Road South, London N11 1NP
020 8359 2000

Theresa Villiers MP
House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA

The Secretary of State for Education
DfE, Sanctuary Buildings, Great Smith Street, London SW1P 3BT
0870 000 2288

The Local Government Ombudsman 
PO Box 4771, Coventry CV4 0EH
0845 602 1983

Equality and Human Rights Commission
3 More London, Riverside Tooley Street, London SE1 2RG
020 3117 0235  (non-helpline calls only)

The Legal Services Commission
0845 345 4345

The Education Law Association
33 College Road, Reading RG6 1QE
0118 966 9866