A-Level Students Return

East Barnet School > Alumni > A-Level Students Return

It has been said, once you are part of the EBS community, you are always part of the EBS community, and we were delighted to welcome back our Sixth Formers who left us last year to collect their certificates. It is always a great time in December to come back together. A lot of our former students had completed their first term at university, so it is so heart-warming to watch students meeting up with old friends and catching up with staff that taught them for years.

students sitting around a table socialising
students talking to teachers
buffet food from the ebs kitchen
students standing in the ebs sixth form cafe
About the author

The EBS Reporter is an alias for all the staff at East Barnet School who enjoy writing articles about the exciting activities going on around the school. If a story is written by a student, this will be noted within the post.

Archived News

All of our archived stories can now be found on our Facebook page – have you seen it? We will only be keeping news from the last couple of years on our website.

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