Culture Day and Stephen Lawrence Day

East Barnet School > Charity > Culture Day and Stephen Lawrence Day

We recently remembered Stephen Lawrence by raising money with a non-uniform day for Year 7-11 and Culture Day for the Sixth Form. Ms Smith had previously delivered assemblies to all students to introduce the Stephen Lawrence Foundation and it’s aims to bring together community and reflect on the barriers that are created through discrimination. Altogether, the school raised £1002.50 to donate to the foundation to support their important work with young people and communities. 

The Sixth Form wore clothes that represented their heritage and they began the day with an assembly led by the Student Leadership Team. It was an absolute joy to see flags from across the world and national dress worn by some students. The Kitchen staff also did a fantastic job of providing a range of snacks from different cultures in the Sixth Form Coffee Shop. The aim of the day was to celebrate the heritage of our students and develop our community understanding. This was achieved and conversations were flowing about different countries and traditions. 

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The EBS Reporter is an alias for all the staff at East Barnet School who enjoy writing articles about the exciting activities going on around the school. If a story is written by a student, this will be noted within the post.

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