
Build the Future

We are looking for generous donors to fund or part-fund a new sustainable state-of-the-art T-Level block right here in the heart of North London!

By raising just over £1.5m we will create engineers, designers, and digital experts of the future – the very same people that could be working for you.

Click now to get involved



Prepare the Future

In collaboration with the UK Government, T-Levels are a way to bridge the skills gap in the job market. This new exciting partnership with EBS puts our students and your company ahead of the employment game!

Training our students in your facility for 45 days over their course will give them the knowledge and confidence to succeed.

Click now to get involved



Be the Future

This is your opportunity to learn in a completely different way; a more practical way, a more innovative way, the future way!

You will receive training in a brand-new dedicated block with all the specialist equipment you would expect to find in industry. Not only that, but you will have the opportunity to spend 45 days with one of our partner companies!

Click now to get involved
Watch this 90 second video to find out more



Build the Future

Together we can develop the talent pipeline and invest in our young people

Investing in the Future

The training gap in the labour market could be easily plugged if youth were given the opportunities and investment to learn in a more practical way. A new T-Level building will ensure students can learn on industry-standard equipment, trained and ready as your future employee.  

Opportunities for you and us

Our partnership will be mutually beneficial; we can offer CPD sessions for your staff, a pastoral mentorship programme for staff or apprentices, marketing to our community, access to our careers fair and much, much more!

Sustainable Building

What if your business could be at the forefront of sustainability? Partnering with EBS could be your opportunity to put your name to one of the most eco-friendly buildings in London. With your name on top (of course!), so there is no mistaking the innovation we have developed together.

Why Partner with East Barnet School?

We are a large part of the Barnet community and have been educating students since 1937. Our Sixth Form has been judged ‘Outstanding’ by Ofsted, our results have consistently been amongst the best in the country for many years and we are ranked as the top state school for progress in London’s most populated borough, Barnet.

We want to build on that success.

We do not want to simply bolt T-Levels on to the curriculum; we want to give T-Levels the time and space they need to flourish. We want T-Levels to be a viable choice and career path for our students. We want T-Levels to succeed.

We want you to be a part of it.

16 - 19 Year olds in Barnet
Available T-Level Courses
To build our new t-level block
T-Level Ambassador Companies

Businesses need a skilled workforce, but many struggle to find the skills they need at a price they can afford. Now is also the perfect time for employers to break out of that cycle by getting on board with T-levels and apprenticeships, training their own skills pipeline for the future.

Jennifer CouplandChief Executive, Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education

Over 200 T-Level Ambassadors

Flying the flag for T-Levels; bringing industry and education together

Frequently Asked Questions

Can we only get involved if we fund the full amount?

Absolutely not! We have a target of £1.5m, but we are realistic about the fact that this is going to be a large sum of money for one company to fund, so we are more than willing to look at part-funding.

What is in it for my company?

The skills gap in the UK is getting worse; getting harder to find the right candidates for the roles you are advertising. T-Levels is about investing in your future employees. If we want to move the country forward in an innovative way, we need to hone in on the talent that is available in 16-19 year olds. Creating a specialist building with industry equipment means our students will be ready to go with the knowledge and skills you need. 

How will anyone know we have invested?

This isn’t a grab the money and run situation. We want a partnership with you. We want to work together. We are open to discuss any ideas moving forward, such as a CPD programme, pastoral support, career fairs and much more, not to mention the building will be named after your company, will be on our website, and we will have a launch party so everyone can get involved. For too long industry and education have been two different entities, but with T-Levels, hopefully we can change that.

When do we need to commit by?

We need to submit our plans for the new building in February 2023. At this point we need to let the Government know the funds we have managed to secure. 

Where are we?

Watch this 60 second video to find out more



Prepare the Future

Training young people with the skills they need to work for you

The Creation of T-Levels

T-Levels are a new qualification for students aged 16 to 19 in England who have finished their GCSEs. Each T-Level is equivalent to 3 A-Levels and helps young people develop the knowledge, attitude and practical skills to thrive in the workplace. T-Level students spend 80% of the course in the classroom, learning the essential skills that employees need. The other 20% is a meaningful industry placement, where they put these skills into action.

Industry Placements

T-Levels can support employers by offering early access to a talent pipeline for entry-level positions, can help with recruitment, improve innovation and increase an organisation’s productivity. By September 2024, there will be more than 24 T-Level courses, covering 11 skill areas. Within each course, students develop an understanding of a broad range of issues relevant to the sector, as well as topics specific to the course and an occupational specialism.

Case Studies

Don’t just take our word for it; here are some case studies for businesses who are already part of the T-Level programme:

We have educated thousands of students

Highly skilled, work-ready students are here to build your business and create opportunities for your organisation. Industry placements are already helping employers go further forward, faster.

  • Help nurture and develop talent.
  • Increase capacity.
  • Extra resource for specific projects.
  • Bring in people with imaginative, new ideas and different skills.

You will receive support with planning at every stage of the process from your partner, East Barnet School. Industry placements of around 45 days are an integral part of T-Levels, a new 2-year qualification which is equivalent to 3 A-Levels, that brings classroom and work together.

T-Levels have been designed with the best employers to make sure students have the skills and knowledge you need. Take your business to the next level with industry placements and T-Levels.

It’s not just the ability to actually have more bums on seats, but it’s also the ability of actually having a different view. It’s just having those little moments of inspiration that the T-Level students can give us, which can give us a different view of how we can look at something and then we can drive it forward.

John ColeFounder and Operations Director, CTECH Business Solutions

Frequently Asked Questions

Why have T-Levels been created?

T-Levels give young people the skills and knowledge they need to get a head start towards their future career and support organisations like yours. Industry placements are already helping employers and their businesses go further.

What is an industry placement?

A student is invited to work with you for around 45 days, developing skills and building confidence. Placement times can be arranged to fit in with your needs.

How will this benefit my organisation?

Help nurture and develop talent

Cost effective recruitment for entry level jobs and apprenticeships

Bring in people with imaginative new ideas and different skills

Upskill your staff with the chance to mentor a young person

Extra resource for specific projects Increase capacity

How do T-Levels differ from Apprenticeships or Work Experience?

Apprenticeships are jobs with training, for young people who are ready to work. An apprentice spends 80% of their time in paid employment and 20% learning in the classroom. T-Levels are for young people who want to continue studying and gain work experience with a real employer on a worthwhile industry placement. T-Level students complete employability training so they understand the demands and expectations of the workplace before placement starts. Both are very different to school work experience, which lasts 1-2 weeks.

Why do industry placements now?

We are working with schools and colleges to deliver T-Level style placements now. This will support a successful launch when students begin taking T-Levels in September 2020, as well as bringing your business the associated benefits much earlier.

What do I have to do for an industry placement?

We want you to help design a placement that will both benefit your business and teach young people the skills you look for in an employee. You must make sure the work environment is safe, the student has a line manager to support them and provide an appraisal of the student’s time on placement.

What support will I get from the school or college?

You’ll receive support at every stage of the process from your partner school or college, who will make sure that students are ready to be productive members of your workforce. They will support planning the timeline and objectives of the industry placement.

Do I pay students on industry placements?

There is no legal requirement or expectation that students will be paid, as it is part of a course. However, you can pay students if you wish.

What about other costs?

Your school or college has access to funds, and may be able to help with upfront costs, such as providing protective gear, DBS checks, specialist equipment etc.

Where are we?

Still undecided?

Watch this short video to find out more



Be the Future

Learn in a new practical way to excel into the future

What are T-Levels?

The ‘T’ stands for ‘Technical’ and is an alternative to A-Levels that is studied over two years. These courses focus on developing technical and practical skills with a mix of class and work-based learning to make you more ready for the world of work. Students of T-Levels can expect to take part in at least 45 days of industry-based learning. Each T-Level is equivalent to 3 A-Levels, with the same UCAS points, and allowing progression into skilled employment, higher education or apprenticeships.​​​​​

Meaningful Placements

Every T-Level includes an industry placement with an employer focused on developing the practical and technical skills required for the occupation. These will last a minimum of 315 hours (approximately 45 days), but can last longer. East Barnet School will ensure learners have an industry placement and will support employers offering industry placements. The Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) and National Apprenticeship Service (past of ESFA) are working with employers and providers on industry placements.

Don't just take our word for it; many students have already opted for T-Levels

T-Levels have been around for a couple of years now, and there are many students who have successfully secured places and studied in this new and exciting way. Below is another video from some of those students:

East Barnet School T-Level Courses for 2024

Option 1

Digital Production, Design & Development

The core component provides a broad understanding of the digital industry and covers the following digital-related topics:

  • Business Context
  • Culture
  • Data
  • Digital Analysis and Environments​​
  • Diversity and Inclusion
  • Learning
  • Legislation
  • Security and Testing​​

The content of the occupational specialism will cover the following topics:

  • analysing a problem to define requirements and acceptance criteria aligned to user needs
  • designing, implementing and testing software
  • changing, maintaining and supporting software
  • creating solutions in a social and collaborative environment
  • discovering, evaluating and applying reliable sources of knowledge
  • applying ethical principles and managing risks in line with legal and regulatory requirements when developing software
Option 2

Engineering, Manufacturing, Processing & Control

This programme focuses your skills and knowledge for working in within engineering manufacturing. As part of the programme, you will study the following skills and knowledge:

  • Processes of production and manufacturing
  • Materials used in production, manufacturing fabrication environments
  • Specialist machinery utilised in the production and manufacturing environments
  • Product and project management
  • Quality assurance and quality control
  • Machining and toolmaking technologies


Option 3

Craft and Design: Furniture Design

This course is delivered by expert tutors and industry specialists, ensuring that the skills you learn are up to date and demanded by the textiles and fashion or furniture sector.

Topics covered include:

  • The Creative Economy
  • Audience & Consumer Needs
  • Research Skills
  • The Creative Economy
  • Cultural Context & Vocabulary and more!

You’ll then focus on your occupational specialism: Furniture Maker

Over 200 T-Level Ambassadors

Flying the flag for T-Levels; bringing industry and education together