
East Barnet School > School Life > Sustainability


Limit what we use


Give a second life


A new transformation


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Our Commitment to Sustainability

Sustainability is a complex issue that we are determined to tackle. As a state-funded school, we are realistic about the amount of investment we can make into transforming the school’s carbon footprint, but we are committed to making a difference by re-educating our students, making small changes where we can, and fundraising within the community for large scale projects.

Taking steps to
REDUCE our footprint

  • Installing timers for all computers, heating and ventilation systems = reducing our electricity use.
  • Replacing all incandescent bulbs with LED bulbs = reducing our electricity use.
  • Using Vegware packaging in the Kitchen which is made using plants, making it compostable with food waste = reducing our plastic use.
  • Limiting the amount of paper we use in school by utilising online systems to access resources instead of photocopying = reducing our paper use.
  • Ceasing to use plastic carrier bags for our promotional activity = reducing our plastic use.
  • Observing Earth Hour by switching off lights for an hour in the day = reducing our electricity use.

Working hard to
REUSE our waste

  • Creating a pre-loved uniform offering for parents/carers/students to donate good quality used uniform for other students to purchase at a discount price = reusing our unwanted textiles.
  • Providing reusable metal cutlery in the Kitchen for dining at break and lunchtime = reusing our equipment.
  • Donating our used PVC advertising banners to the Art Department to use as table coverings for painting classes = reusing our waste that would go to landfill.

Future Plans

  • If we can raise funding for solar panels, we will be able to power 13% of the school with solar energy. Our site-wide consumption is 715,000kwh per annum. The 101,91kqp roof mounted solar photovoltaic system will save 505.5 tonnes of Co2 entering the atmosphere. 

Trying our best to
RECYCLE our items

  • Changing our waste collection company across the whole school and for the food scraps in our Kitchen = recycling more.
  • Providing new recycling bins in every classroom and office and in all the corridors = recycling more.
  • Installing guttering and water butts around our outside classroom to use rain water to hydrate our plants = recycling more.
  • Using the leftover coffee grounds from where we Proudly Serve Costa in our Sixth Form Café to fertilise our allotment = recycling more.
  • Collecting used plastic bottle caps for our D&T Department to melt down and turn into something new = recycling more.
Saved energy using timers, sensors and reminders
Less energy used by installing LED bulbs