Debate Mate Cup Competition at Middlesex University

East Barnet School > Achievements > Debate Mate Cup Competition at Middlesex University

The East Barnet School student Debate Mate Team was inspirational! 11 fantastic, hardworking and skilful public speakers represented the school at the Debate Mate Cup Competition at Middlesex University on 2nd May 2024. Our teams competed against 10 other teams from local schools, debating on a range of different topics including the impact of social media.

They worked with representatives from the Debate Mate Team, students from Middlesex University and employees from Sony Music Entertainment UK. They developed their public speaking skills, confidence and ability to work collaboratively with others as a team. Furthermore, they were able to gain an insight in to the world of public speaking, university life and working life in the music industry.

After the first round, both teams debated the impact of social media on the music industry and both won their first rounds! During half-time, our students entertained all participants with their outstanding karaoke skills, getting involved with the spirit of the day. They were treated to a ‘show debate’ from staff and teachers, showing them the fine details of debating. EBS students listened attentively, refining their skills for the next rounds.

Then for the second round, debating the impact of a national three-day weekend. Once again our students presented strong cases, they found their groove and expertly utilised “POIs” and rebottles in their cases. Both teams presented their cases well and defended their points strongly. Another victory in the bag for one of our teams, however both teams represented EBS proudly.

students talking at the debate mate competition

Round three was a tricky “closed” round with no results or feedback until the end of the day. However, our students once again were confident, spoke eloquently and performed well. Students were then treated to a discussion around careers in Law from staff in the Department of Law at Middlesex University, gaining valuable insight on the life of a lawyer and how to strengthen their CV and enrich their experiences for potential work place and university life.

At the end of an amazing day, our teams did brilliantly with one EBS team winning all three of their debates, but unfortunately not qualifying for the finals due to points difference. The judges did give a special mention to their undefeated achievements and also their involvement and engagement in all aspects of the day.

Again a massive congratulations on an amazing day at the competition for our Year 9 inspirational teams; Olivia, Zeynel, Alexia, Kalo, Elson, Oliver, Rachel, Nicole, Shapol, Lila, Rafi. You represented the school so well and developed so much during the day!

Another big thank you to Mr Pichelski for supporting in attending the trip, Christian our Debate Mate mentor and Mr Richman and Ms Parfitt for their invaluable support in running the preparation sessions each week this term.

students standing in a line at the debate mate competition
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The EBS Reporter is an alias for all the staff at East Barnet School who enjoy writing articles about the exciting activities going on around the school. If a story is written by a student, this will be noted within the post.

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