Holocaust Memories

East Barnet School > Event > Holocaust Memories
a collective of people at middlesex university for the holocaust memorial day

We are very proud to announce that Amberley Thay, and our Head Student, Anna Volstadt, represented East Barnet School and the Holocaust Educational Trust as ambassadors at the Holocaust Memorial Day event for Barnet at Middlesex University.

The event was attended by Theresa Villiers, MP, Chair of the Holocaust Educational Trust, Craig Leviton, and the High Commissioner for Rwanda, Johnston Busingye. Our students spoke eloquently to all of the visitors and dignitaries and made us all very proud. When asked, Theresa Villiers said:

“This ceremony is always moving and thought-provoking. It is especially welcome to hear from young ambassadors for the Holocaust Educational Trust, Amberley and Anna, about what they learned while taking part in the Lessons from Auschwitz visit and educational programme.”

Theresa Villiers, MP

Annually, the London Borough of Barnet hold this official commemoration to remember all those that lost their life during the Holocaust and to reflect on the lessons we can learn. Within the school, each year Sixth Form History students are invited to take part in the Lessons from Auschwitz Project and Christiana Constantinou and Aisha Shaikh (Y12) delivered an assembly to younger students about their involvement in the project and passed on what they had learned.

dan tomlinson with an ebs student at the holocaust memorial

Dan Tomlinson, who is standing for MP in the Chipping Barnet area said:

Really moving to hear East Barnet School students speak so powerfully about the lessons they drew from visiting Auschwitz. We must never forget the fragility of freedom.

Dan Tomlinson

At East Barnet School, we are always impressed by the mature way our students honour our Holocaust Memorial Day commemorations.

About the author

The EBS Reporter is an alias for all the staff at East Barnet School who enjoy writing articles about the exciting activities going on around the school. If a story is written by a student, this will be noted within the post.

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