Child Development at KS4

baby clothes

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If you require any further information about the curriculum we are following in this subject, please contact the Head of Department.

Course ID
OCR J818
Social Sciences
Social Sciences
Key Stage 4 (GCSE)
Head of Faculty
J. David
Head of Department
S. Direk

KS4 Child Development explores the development of children from conception to five years of age.

It studies many aspects including pregnancy and labour, equipment, nutrition, milestones and how a child progresses physically, intellectually, emotionally and socially. Students complete a Child Study in Year 11 and will require excellent analytical skills to apply their understanding to how a range of factors can stimulate, but also affect a child’s development.

Curriculum Termly Breakdown by Year

Year 10

Term Unit of Work Assessment
Autumn 1 Understand contraception, reproduction and the roles and responsibilities of parenthood. Understand antenatal care and preparation for birth, various routine and screening tests, health professionals, pain relief and methods of delivery. Controlled Assessment RO19 – LO1: ‘Understand the key factors when choosing equipment for babies from birth to 12 months’.
Autumn 2 Understand postnatal checks, postnatal provision and conditions for development. Understand how to recognise, manage and prevent childhood illnesses. Controlled Assessment LO2: ‘Understand the key factors when choosing equipment for children from one to five years’.
Spring 1 Nutritional guidelines and healthy eating. Controlled Assessment LO3: ‘Know the nutritional guidelines and requirements for children from birth to five years’.
Spring 2 How to encourage good eating habits, diet related illnesses. Controlled Assessment LO4: ‘Be able to investigate and develop feeding solutions for children from birth to five years’.
Summer 1 Know about child safety – in the house, out and about, stranger danger, internet safety, crossing the road. Safety Symbols. Finalise all Year 10 Controlled Assessments. Module Tests.
Summer 2 Mock Preparation – Revision. Introduction to child study – Students to gather background Information. Controlled Assessment RO20: ‘Understand the development of a child from birth to five years’.


Year 11

Term Unit of Work Assessment
Autumn 1 Introduce context ‘setting up a room in a crèche/nursery 0-5 years old’. Area of development – briefly explain PIS Milestones – explain and relate to suitable activities to promote development. Explain types and stages of play and the benefits. Controlled Assessment RO20 – LO1 ‘Understand the physical, intellectual and social developmental norms from birth to five years’
Autumn 2 Chosen Area of Development, predictions and what you are hoping to see and find out. Possible activities to see a range of skills, narrow down to 4 in detail, saying detailed focus for each, pick 2 with clear reasons WHY. Mock revision. Controlled Assessment LO2 – Understand the benefits of learning through play. Controlled Assessment LO3 – ‘Be able to plan different play activities for a chosen developmental area with a child from birth to five years’.
Spring 1 Methods of observing and recording – relate to activities. Detailed Plan. Create Record Sheets. Complete observations. Write up observations with evidence and a detailed, focussed write-up. Controlled Assessment LO4 – ‘Be able to carry out and evaluate different play activities for a chosen developmental area with a child from birth to five years’.
Spring 2 Application of Knowledge – fact, opinion, theory, comparison, conclusion explaining how the child has developed new skills through a variety of activities. Evaluation – detailed evaluation of what has been learnt, how activities benefit development. Deadline for Child Study. Controlled Assessment LO4 – ‘Be able to carry out and evaluate different play activities for a chosen developmental area with a child from birth to five years’.
Summer 1 Revise all components in preparation for exam. Glossary for subject specific vocabulary. Use Mock Papers and Mark Schemes to familiarise with style of questioning and what is required to achieve highest grades. Module Tests.
Summer 2 GCSE Examination. GCSE Examination.


Extended Learning

Year 10

Websites Read Visit or Watch Extra
Sam Learning; NHS; Baby Centre. OCR Child Development Revision Guide. Secret Life of a 4 Year Old; Call the Midwife; One Born Every Minute; Midwife comes in to talk to the class.  


Year 11

Websites Read Visit or Watch Extra
Sam Learning; NHS; Baby Centre. OCR Child Development Revision Guide; Milestones (Dr Miriam Stoppard). One Born Every Minute; The Great Sperm Race; Secret Life of 4/5 Year Old. Early Years teacher to speak to class and discuss career paths.