Religious Education (RE) at KS3

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If you require any further information about the curriculum we are following in this subject, please contact the Head of Department.

Course ID
Religious Education
Key Stage 3
Head of Faculty
E. Richman
Head of Department
J. Idrees

Students follow a bespoke programme aligned with the locally agreed syllabus.

Many of the skills learnt in RE lessons are not exclusive to the subject. Being able to evaluate opinions, understand sources, interpret language, symbolism, metaphors and allegories are all useful in other subjects such as History, English, Music, and Languages. To develop these skills, our course involves a detailed examination of the Abrahamic religions (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) and important aspects of cyclic religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism). The schemes of work are structured to provide the foundation needed at KS4. Students are taught to conceptualise, analyse and substantiate their opinions with evidence and lines of reasoning. This then creates a smooth transition to achieve their potential at GCSE.

Curriculum Termly Breakdown by Year

Year 7

Term Unit of Work Assessment
Autumn 1 Introduction to Religion: what is belief? Baseline Assessment
Formative: The Big Story – Group Work Assessment.
Autumn 2 What is Belief? Summative: End of Unit Test.
Spring 1 Is there an Ultimate Being? What do people believe about God? Formative Evaluation Question on the relevance of belief. Summative: End of Unit Test.
Spring 2 How is belief expressed? Symbols and expressions of spirituality. Formative Feedback: Nativity Narratives.
Summative Assessment: Mandala Assessment.
Summer 1 What makes a good leader? Can Holy Books guide us? Formative: “Religious people believe that God can influence what happens” For /Against. Summative: End of Unit Test.
Summer 2 What does it mean to be human? Formative: The Creation stories need not affect the way Religious
People lead their lives. Do you agree?
Summative: Spirited Arts Competition.
Ultimate Questions debate.


Year 8

Term Unit of Work Assessment
Autumn 1 What is worship?  
Autumn 2 Rites of Passage: Initiation and Marriage. How do we grow up in a religion? When do we become adults? What is marriage all about? Formative Assessment: Commitment
Summative: Rites of Passage Assessment
Spring 1 Rites of Passage: Death and Funerals. What happens when we die? Formative: Letter of Advice to those left behind.
Summative: Keywords and Essay.
Spring 2 Religion in Practise: Islam Formative Assessment: Debate on Equality. Summative Assessment: Essay.
Summer 1 Religion in Practise: How does belief affect Christians today? The Christian Church in the world today. Formative Assessment: Denominations quiz.
Summative Assessment: Mission Essay.
Summer 2 People of Faith: Is there power in Peace? (Interfaith, MLK, Malcolm X, Oscar Romero. Desmond Tutu, Gandhi, etc). Group presentation.


Year 9

Term Unit of Work Assessment
Autumn 1 What is Truth? Religious Understanding Baseline Essay: What is truth?
Formative Assessment: Parables
Autumn 2 What is truth? Philosophical Understanding Debate
Summative Essay
Spring 1 Where does the Universe Come from? Science vs Religion. Formative: Debate
Spring 2 Where does the Universe come from? Science vs Religion. Summative Essay:
How did we get here?
Summer 1 Making moral decisions. Moral decision making task.
Summer 2 Ultimate questions:
Should we look after the world?
Does suffering have a point?
Is it ever right to fight?
Formative: Debate.
Summative: Whole class presentation.


Extended Learning

Year 7

Websites Read Visit or Watch Extra
RE Online; TrueTube; BBC Religion; RE:quest; Education Quizzes.

Knowledge Organisers for each topic in books and on Skooler.    


Year 8

Websites Read Visit or Watch Extra
RE Online; TrueTube; BBC Religion; RE:quest; Education Quizzes. Knowledge Organisers for each topic in books and on Skooler.    


Year 9

Websites Read Visit or Watch Extra
RE Online; TrueTube; BBC Religion; RE:quest; Education Quizzes. Knowledge Organisers for each topic in books and on Skooler.   Attend Philosophy Club.